2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: Asia Week (24-29 July, 2023)
2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: Asia Week (24-29 July, 2023) Date: 24-29 July, 2023 Venue: SNU Graduate School of International Studies International Conference Hall & Hitotsubashi University Participants: 23 Students Language: English July 24th (Mon) 10:00 Opening Session: Prof. Jeong Hun Han (SNU) 10:30-12:00 Class 1: Prof. Moon Woo Sik (SNU) Title: How Could […]
2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: Asia Week (7/24-7/28)
1. A Specific Time Schedule for Asia Week -General subject of the program: A New Era of EU-Asia Cooperation. Please refer to the charts below for more detailed topics of the lectures. July 24th (Mon) Location: SNU GSIS Building 140-2, 401 (International Conference Hall) (please arrive 10-15 minutes early before the scheduled time) 10:00 Opening […]
2023 SNU in the EU Program (Pre-lectures : 22-27 June, 2023)
2023 SNU in the EU Program (Pre-lectures) Date: 22 – 27 June, 2023 Venue: SNU Graduate School of International Studies GL room Participants : 26 students Language: Korean 일자 시간 강사 강의 주제 6.22 (목) 14:00-16:00 한정훈 (주임교수, GL룸 국제대학원) SNU_in_EU Program OT 6.23 (금) 09:00-12:00 배병인 (국민대학교, GL룸 국제대학원) EU 통합의 이해 14:00-17:00 신성호 (서울대 […]
2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: European Week (8/25-9/1)
2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: “The Sustainable Development Goals and Global Governance: European and Asian Perspectives ” (European Online Week) 15th Euro-Asia Online Summer School: “The Sustainable Development Goals and Global Governance: European and Asian Perspectives ”. The aim of the Euro-Asia Summer School ‘The Sustainable Development Goals and Global Governance: European and Asian Perspectives', organized by […]
THE CALL FOR 2023 15th EURO-ASIA SUMMER SCHOOL (DUE : 6PM, June 21st Wed, 2023)
THE CALL FOR 2023 15th EURO-ASIA SUMMER SCHOOL (DUE : 6PM, June 21st Wed, 2023) The SNU GSIS EU-Centre is accepting applications for the Euro-Asia Summer School. This exceptional program offers students a multitude of lectures on Euro-Asia relations, opportunities for global student interaction, the chance to explore Korea and Japan during Asian Week, […]
[Internship Opportunity] Call for Application for World Bank Internship Program, Second half of 2023
2023년 하반기 세계은행(World Bank) 인턴십 프로그램 참가자 모집 안내 (Call for Application for World Bank Internship Program, Second half of 2023) 국제협력본부에서 세계은행 World Bank (Office of the Chief Economist of Infrastructure Vice-Presidency at the World Bank) 에서 6개월간 인턴으로 근무할 수 있는 인턴십 프로그램 지원자를 모집하오니 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 지원바랍니다. ● 근무형태: […]
[Academic Opportunity] special lecture RSVP – Dafydd J. Fell, Professor of Comparative Politics, University of London (June 2, 2023)
[Special Lecture] Professor Dafydd J. Fell “How do movement parties learn lessons of defeat in Taiwan? The case of the Green Party Taiwan” RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/cWCesMwi9nMdnCKm9 On June 2nd , we are inviting Professor Dafydd J. Fell of Comparative Politics at the Department of Politics and International Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), […]
[Special Lecture] Dafydd J. Fell, Professor of Comparative Politics, University of London (June 2, 2023)
Professor Dafydd J. Fell “How do movement parties learn lessons of defeat in Taiwan? The case of the Green Party Taiwan” On June 2nd , we are inviting Professor Dafydd J. Fell of Comparative Politics at the Department of Politics and International Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He will […]
[Special Lecture] Katja Biedenkopf, Associate Professor of Sustainability Politics at KU Leuven (May 17th, 2023)
Katja Biedenkopf (KU Leuven) "The politics of the European Union Carbon Boder Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)", May 17th 2023 The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the apex of the EU's 'excellent' global actorness in climate and trade, according to the EU. However, from the standpoint of international law, the EU looks to be treading […]
[Special Lecture] Simon Hix, Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics from European University Institute, May 19th 2023
Professor Simon Hix (EUI), "The Transformation of Public Support For European Integration", April 19th 2023 Public support for European integration has risen and fallen over the past 50 years, with different types of people supporting Europe at some times and opposing Europe at other times. How can this be explained? Analyzing […]