Republic of Korea and European Union make an agreement to precede the educational-cooperative program under the name of ‘A Korean-European Nexus on International Economy & Governance’ (from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2011). By having International Economy and Governance program, provide an opportunity for new generation in Korea and Europe of progressing their academic capacity through multi-educational and multi-cultural train in terms of the current situation of the world. Provide high level of mutual educational training in the field of International Economy, Politics, Law, and Area Studies, furthermore, operate student-exchange program with an integrated curriculum. Encourage scholars in consortium institution in the realm of International Economy and Governance to continue sustainable researches in the long run for accumulation of in-depth knowledge on Korea and Europe and for reciprocal understanding.

EU ICI-ECP Program (Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2011)



EU ICI-ECP Program (Oct. 2013 – 2017)


ESSEC Business School (France)

Master of Science in Management

The MSc in Management is the flagship program of ESSEC with a unique format that integrates academic, professional and international experiences throughout the program. The large course offer allows students to design their own course of study and to specialize in many different areas (accounting, management control, public and private policy, economics, finance, information systems, decision sciences and statistics, management, marketing, operations management). The chairs and specific tracks of the program focus on fields of expertise of ESSEC as various as luxury brand management, health management, real estate, entrepreneurship, business analytics, to name a few. The strong cooperation between ESSEC and the business world provides many opportunities for students to build their career and network. All students must have completed a minimum of 18 months of professional experience by the time of graduation.

KU Leuven (Belgium)

Master of European Policies and Politics (MEPP)

The internationally accredited Master of European Policies and Politics (MEPP) at KU Leuven offers a combination of European public administration and European policies analysis. Its mission is to bring academic excellence in the comparative study of public sector structures, policy-making and administration within Europe together with a concern for the practical challenges professionals in policy, administrative and consultative functions face at the sub-state, state and EU level. Students compose their individual study program consisting of a strong core of compulsory courses and a rich variety of elective courses on specific policy issues (e.g. international security or social policy) or on historical, political, economic or legal approaches.

Master in European Studies (MAES)

The Master in European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (MAES) at KU Leuven offers an interdisciplinary approach to international students coming from various academic backgrounds. The programs consists of a common trunk, including a master thesis, four specialized modules concerning different aspects of Europe in the world, as well as a list of elective courses. The four specialized modules are: Transnational Perspectives on European History, Diversity and Culture; EU External Relations; Globalizing Europe; Europe-Asia: Interactions and Comparisons. The programs is part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the “The European Union, Foreign Policy and Global Governance”.

KDI School of Public Policy and Management (Korea)

Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Master of Development Policy (MDP)
Master of Public Management (MPM)

The KDI School’s programs are designed to provide a global perspective and professional expertise in the area of public policy. As “public policy” is broad, the programs offer 7 specializing pillars in a specific area of public policy. Pillars that are particularly relevant for the GLIMPSE dual degree program include Trade and Industrial policy, Fiscal and Social Policy, and Public Management and Leadership. Course offerings include Public Finance and Public Policy, Competition and Industrial Policy, and Corporate Financial Policy among others. The School also offers cultural courses to familiarize the students with Korean culture. In addition, students will benefit from the experience at the Korean Development Institute, of which the KDI is the educational arm. KDI is one of Asia’s top-rated economic think-tanks and one of the main engines of economic policies in Korea.

Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies (Korea)

Master of International Studies (MIS)

SNU-GSIS offers a Master’s Degree program in International Studies (MIS) with 4 areas of specialty: International Commerce, International Cooperation, International Area Studies and Korean Studies. The International Area Studies track is the richest in contents offering more than 60 courses per year with a main focus on East Asian studies. The MIS program, through its multi-disciplinary approach, aims to train international and area specialists capable of adapting to changes and meeting challenges in this era of globalization. SNU-GSIS is one of the nation’s leading international institutions and a full-time member of the Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA). Coupled with Korea’s geographical placement as an actor and observer of East Asia’s geopolitical dynamics, SNU-GSIS is perceived as an educational gateway into Asia and out to the world.