2024 SNU in the EU Program (Field Research: 8-21 July, 2024)

관리자 2024-11-18 37

2024 SNU in the EU Program (Field Research)

Date: 8-21 July, 2024
Venue: Leuven, Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Brussels

Participants: 26 SNU Undergraduate Students 

Instructor: Professor Jeong Hun Han (SNU GSIS) 

Assistant: Jieun Park, (SNU GSIS Master Student) 

                  Kiwon Eom, (SNU GSIS Master Student) 


  • To enhance the global competence of Seoul National University (SNU) students and to deepen their understanding of Europe and European Union institutions, the "SNU in the EU (European Union)" program has been established.
  • Through preliminary lectures at the SNU Graduate School of International Studies, students will learn about the history of the European Union, its structures and institutions, the development of its bodies, diplomatic and security issues, the environment, and EU law. This is followed by field research at the KU Leuven in Belgium, and field trips to Brussels (Belgium), Strasbourg (France), and Luxembourg to foster an understanding of the EU's institutions, current issues, and recent controversies.
  • Participating students can earn 3 credits through preliminary lectures, attendance at local lectures, class attitude, and the final presentation (general elective, graded A - F, on an absolute evaluation scale).