2023 15th Euro-Asia Summer School: Asia Week (7/24-7/28)

관리자 2023-07-18 350

1. A Specific Time Schedule for Asia Week

-General subject of the program: A New Era of EU-Asia Cooperation. Please refer to the charts below for more detailed topics of the lectures. 


July 24th (Mon)

Location: SNU GSIS Building 140-2, 401 (International Conference Hall)

(please arrive 10-15 minutes early before the scheduled time)
Opening Session: Prof. Jeong Hun Han (SNU)
Class 1: Prof. Moon Woo Sik (SNU)
Title: How Could East Asia Develop?: Development State as a Misguided Westernization
Lunch + Campus Tour at SNU
Class 2: Prof. Kazuhiro Fukazawa (HU)
Title: Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters in EU Trade Agreements with Asian Countries
Class 3: Prof. Gustavo Gayger Müller (via Zoom) (KU Leuven)
Title: EU Foreign Policy and Its Crises
Welcoming Dinner 
Location: 한씨네춘천닭갈비 (서울 관악구 봉천로62길 7) (
7, Bongcheon-ro 62-gil, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

July 25th (Tue)
First lecture starts at 9:00am, not 10:00am, on the second day at SNU
Class 4: Prof. Seul Gi Choi (KDIS)
Title: Dating, Marriage, and Childbirths Intention Changes during COVID-19
Field Trip to DMZ


July 26th (Wed)
Departure to Japan: No special events


July 27th (Thur)
Location: Kunitachi East Campus, East Lecture Building 2, Room 2205 (2nd floor)
Opening Session: Prof. Atsushi Yamada & Kazuhiro Fukazawa (HU)
Class 1: Prof. Seul Gi Choi (KDIS)
Title: Spousal Relationship Change and Gendered Division of Labor under COVID-19
Lunch: Bento lunchbox
Campus Tour guided by HU students
Class 2: Prof. Atsushi Yamada (HU)
Title: Japan's Political Economy: Then and Now
Class 3: Prof. Byun Oung (SNU)
Title: Korea-Japan Cooperation in the Mirror of the Europe
Welcoming Dinner: Sano Shoin Hall (next to the campus)


July 28th (Fri)
First lecture starts at 9:00am, not 10:00am, on the second day at HU
Class 4: Prof. Maiko Ichihara (HU)
Title: Disinformation and Democracy
Field Trip (TBA)



2. Online lecture on July 24th (Mon)

Since the 3rd lecture on the first day of the program(7/24) will be held online, please bring a Zoom compatible device to join the class.
Here is a Zoom link for the lecture.
ID: 367 402 5247 

3. ID card/ Passport needed

For the trip to DMZ on July 25th(Tue), students need to bring their ID cards or passports for security check.
-Korean: ID card
-Foreigner: Passport
*Please refer to the website of KU Leuven for a specific time schedule of the Europe Week(8/25-9/1).