08826 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
T. 02-880-8501 F. 02-879-1496
관리자 2019-10-30 148
The SNU GSIS EU-Centre will be accepting additional applications for the European Winter School. Students will be given the opportunity to learn more about European politics and economy by designing and conducting their own field research in Europe. A total of 1 Student will be selected. The EU Centre will fund 1,000,000 Won for the selected students.
– European WINTER School (Date: From January 10th, Duration: 2 weeks)
– Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium
– Field Research
– Application Form (see attached): Fill out and submit to the EU Center (Building 140, Room S206).
– Statement of Purpose: within 2 pages (A4) in English
– Resume
– A copy of transcript (undergraduate and graduate)
– English proficiency certificate (mandatory)
3. DUE DATE: 1pm, November 6th, 2019
4. INTERVIEW: November 8th, 2019 (Those selected will
be notified individually). Time and location TBA
* SCHOLARSHIP: The EU Centre will partly support the costs for the participation. (1,000,000 Won)
**Other Costs: All other costs (i.e. airfare and insurance costs) are not included.
*Any accident, diseases, and other issues that might arise during his/her stay in Europe during this summer program would be due to the participant’s own responsibility, of which expenses must be paid by him/herself. He or she must buy the Overseas Travel Accident Insurance on his or her own expenses.
**Any accident, diseases, and other issues that might arise during his/her stay in Korea and Europe during this program would be due to the participant’s own responsibility, of which expenses must be paid by him/herself. He or she must buy the Overseas Travel Accident Insurance on his or her own expenses.
***Upon arrival, all participating students are required to write a 3-page essay regarding the lectures, your own opinions, and overall impression of the two-week program.
**** Selected Students are required to attend the events hosted by the SNU GSIS EU-Centre. It is also strongly encouraged that the selected students invite their friends and colleagues to those events hosted by the SNU GSIS EU-Centre.
Please feel free to contact us via email should you have any questions.
Email: eugsis@gmail.com
EU Centre: Building 140,
Room S206